Busy is a state of disconnection, depletion, disrepair.

Let's drop that shit.

You can use this form to get your ACE+Q score without submitting (just add up your yes answers and close the page). The answers are not kept. If you submit the form, you will land on a page with additional Mental Health resources and be subscribed to receive Dragon Letters.

Your email is safe with Ixchel. We can’t stand spam either. By submittinf this form you are consenting to receive occasional Dragon Letters with writings and invites to work with them. xoxo

Add your "yes" answers for your ACE total. The remaining yes answers are your "Q" total.
Add your "yes" answers for section 2 for your "Q" total with you "ACE" total. eg: 9+4 would be your ACE+Q score (not 13).


✨ Decolonial Cosmologist ✨


As a Neuro-Emergent, Mestize Writer, Coach, and Guide, I bring a diverse skillset to support you in creating decolonial business practices.

With 25+ years as a webdeva, a Certified Feminist Copywriter from Kelly Diels, Certified Master Marketer, from Funnel Gorgeous & Certified High-Flow Coach from the Flow Research Collective, I bring an integrated, holistic approach to your strategy, leadership, & marketing.

Flow rituals so you can thrive with a planet in transition.

In addition to the supportive skillset & certifications above, I also bring 40+ years of planetary wisdom in relationship with Western and Mayan Astrology, plus Human Design insights to help you tune into your natural cycles & rhythms to cultivate more flow & ease as you grow your company and culture.

I know the consequences of when we go-go-go...

I know all too well what it means to girlboss too close to the sun and crash because of it.

  • I was the first Mestize Vice-Mayor of my city, I learned to become comfortable being a first and only in the room, taking the opportunity to hold the door for more BIPOC leaders to enter.

  • With decades of tech experience as a web deva and political activist and organizer, I co-founded the Tech and Telecomm Committee for my city.

  • Between 2009-2013 I was appointed to serve on two San Francisco Bay Area government boards where I enacted progressive social and environmental policy for approximately 11 million people, including shifting stigma to sway my colleagues on the Board of Directors to fund the suicide net for the Golden Gate Bridge.

  • In 2011-12, I even ran for congress.

...and I know what’s possible when we give ourselves Time and Space for Rest

As the oldest (Gen Xer) of a vast mixed family, I learned to create belonging (and lots of spicy food) by weaving on-the-ground politics; deep training in ancestral ways of being and plant medicine; and exploring shared stories written in the fabric of Time. For nearly 3 decades I’ve committed myself to social justice work, organizing for communities of culture and serving in local politics.

My first twenty years I learned it wasn’t safe to be seen as I fought to survive in a world where I felt I wasn’t invited and didn’t belong.

“Every blade of grass has its Angel that bends over it and whispers, Grow, Grow.”

— The Talmud

Yet through conscious daily practice in the company of many angels in differing forms over the last thirty-five years, I discovered strength in surrounding myself with the community of others (including people, plants and pollinators) that helped me feel a sense of belonging — re-membering how to feel safe in my skin and embedded in the natural world while being ok with the discomfort of dismantling systems on the daily.

“We are the ones

we’ve been waiting for.”

— Alice Walker

quoting June Jordan

A little more about me…

  • Read my Land Lineage below...

  • I also hold a Masters degree in Philosophy, Cosmology and Consciousness from the California Institute of Integral Studies (with a focus on Integral Ecology) and a B.A. in Gender + Women Studies from Mills College, and I'm certified in Permaculture Design. PLUS, I am Fellow of the Leadership Institute for Just and Resilient Communities.

  • I’m a permaculturalist, I love growing herbs and plant dyes for the bees and butterflies (I wrote book on it), and making alchemical herbal medicines.

  • I like to spin yarn, and avidly collect indigenous textiles. I ran an ethical pashmina business in Nepal.

  • My Spanish is terrible, and French is a lingering memory, thanks to my parents assimilation. But I speak several coding languages and Astrology and I’m learning my Indigenous ancestors languages, K’iche Mayan and Runasimi (Quechua).

  • At a mighty 4’10”, I'm an Indigenous, Queer, vision-impaired, neuro-emergent medicine carrier. As a survivor of significant childhood trauma, (ACE-Q score is 10+6), my life’s work is infused with JEDI activism (Justice-centering, Emergence, Decolonizing, Interconnecting).


I have developed a keen sense of centering justice, emergence, decolonizing, interconnectedness. I view the world, our bodies and our Work as emergent as we create new, just ways of thriving. I can help you dance with the cycles and flow in your life, helping you deepen your leadership capacities from this space of integration and interconnectedness too.

All that to say…

I weave together Anti-Racist Decolonial Feminist business practices (this is NOT white woman feminism), initiated leadership strategies and the best of neuroscience together to help Edgewalkers like you decolonize and reclaim your time, skip the burnout and liberate your Flow.

This dyadic process isn’t prescriptive. You’re not learning what worked for me.

Cultivate your rituals around how Flow works for you, your cycles, your rhythm and pace, and your biology, while unlearning the colonial systems that disrupt your natural states of being.

Why? Because Biology scales.

(hat tip to Steven Kotler)

And when your biology scales… so does your impact.

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Help them to imagine it, be tangible + creative.




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