Don't manage Time, befriend Time.

Let's work together....

Time Weavers

Dream Wildly, Create Boldly

Weaving Earth Wisdom

with Revolutionary Creativity.


Daily creativity rituals for revolutionary leaders, creatives, and writers yearning to intertwine their creative essence with Earth’s wisdom...

So you can…

🌸 cultivate your full creative potential for greater impact,

🌸 lead with insights rooted in Earth wisdom, and

🌸 infuse every moment with meaning and deep connection.

On the other side of rest is Flow.

Wild Presence

Center Your Passion to Embody Flow

1:1 and Group Coaching

$500 -$1111/mo

In this coaching program you're going to learn how to feel into your sense of Time, and get down to the nitty gritty of how your wild presence shifts your perception of Time so you can expand your capacity to experience and relate with Time.

This collective is your medicine for Time scarcity.

The heart that breaks open can contain the whole universe.

― Joanna Macy

I learned so much from Ixchel. My sleep hygiene is massively improved, I changed the way I'm delivering programs that will make them more effective for both my clients and me, and I'm actually making progress on my book.

Before I received coaching from Ixchel, I was constantly running out of time and working weekends while struggling to find time to finish my book. I know all the usual tricks. I've time-tracked, I've time-blocked, I get up early...and still couldn't seem to crack this nut. So I asked Ixchel for help, because they're not just a coach, they're "Decolonial Time Mender" (how's that for a job title????!!!!) and has an entirely different perspective on time and getting into Flow.

IT WAS INCREDIBLE. I learned so much from them. My sleep hygiene is massively improved, I changed the way I'm delivering programs that will make them more effective for both my clients and me, and I'm actually making progress on my book. I am writing without burning myself out.

ANYWAY. I say all of that to tell you that Ixchel is brilliant, and they're doing a coaching intake right now. In their one-year coaching program, Ixchel trains leaders to:

✅ decolonize your relationship with time so you can RECLAIM IT

✅ skip the energy crashes and

✅ get in and out of Flow states more easily so you can do way more culture-making work in way less time.

If that sounds like medicine you'd like to receive, join Wild Presence.

Kelly Diels,

Feminist Marketing Consultant

Stellar Impression™ Sessions

Align your stellar imprint with

your IMPRESSIONABLE core message and brand style

Align your Stellar Message™ and

the Soul of Your Brand™

with your unique stellar imprint


Includes a 2-hr Reading,

4 weeks of Flexible Voice Coaching

to map out your IMPRESSIONABLE

Stellar Message, Brand and Inspo boards

Stellar Astro/HD Sessions

Planets, Plants & People

Revolutionize Your Cosmic Destiny


✨ 2 hour session

integrating Astrology and Human Design

✨ Tons of bonuses!

✨ Upgrade to Flexible Voice Integration Coaching for 4 weeks after the reading for any follow-up questions and reflections.

"Ixchel Will Offer You The Sacred Space, Wisdom And Tangible Rituals To Guide You To Flow States."

If you’re ready to take a step back and look at what your EMBODIED FLOW is (and what distracts you, and what you need to let go of, and what you need to claim)…

Ixchel will offer you the sacred space, wisdom and tangible rituals to guide you to flow states – so you can go out into the world, making your biggest impact no longer tapped out and scattered, but filled with renewed energy, deep focus and JOY.


Busy is a state of disconnection, depletion, disrepair.

Let's Drop that Shit.

A Framework for

Embodying Wild Presence

Start Where You Are. We start with what’s working.

You didn’t arrive at your current success by accident but through your genius.

And… you no longer need to carry your bundles all by yourself.

So You Can...


Reclaim Your Time


Identify the life events that forever changed who you are. (un)learn and redefine leadership out the impoverished models of white supremacy culture. Revive and support indigenous ways of knowing and being in biophilic relationship with Earth and the Ancestors. (un)lwind systems of brutal productivity. Surf your biorhythms, connect to your inner cosmic imprint, your outer Lodestar.

make decisions that are attuned to you and your team’s capacity without White Saviorism running the show.

give back, repair, decolonize through re-learning Earth’s stories encoded in your very bones.

shift your relationship with Time, focusing on your genius to make way for emergent ways of being.

cultivate a patterned, seasonal and lovingly intimate relationship with Time/ Space/ Place/ Cosmos.

So You Can...


Easily Drop in Flow Over and Over

Embody Flow

Dismantle the systems and structures that are still holding you back. Let go of what’s not serving you. Learn the tools to center Flow as a daily devotion. (This is where the ✨Time Magic✨ emerges.) Make rituals not habits. Cultivate mettle (grit, capacity) for the challenges ahead. Edgewalking as praxis embeds the Borderland, the in between, the liminal as guide.

befriend the Flow cycle for more wild presence and creativity to exponentially grow your impact.

reconnect to being Indigenous, of the Earth, for the resilience to weather any storm.

get comfortable living at the edges, the liminal spaces, to thrive with a planet in transition.

transform the stuckness of an old rut into the new nervous system pathways (neuroplasticity).

So You Can...


Rest Is Resistance

Weave New Worlds

Learn how to stop. Practice Rest for the Revolution. Protect your sleep and recovery rituals. Establish daily, weekly and seasonal reconnections with Earth, with ch’ulel, (chi) the embodied energy of the Earth and Cosmos. Plan days to go offline. Deepen your pattern recognition. Trauma becomes wisdom through Somatic awareness. Find your rhythm and re/member your Wild Presence..

interrupt the dopamine hijack that has conditioned us to overwork to more easily connect your curiosities.

invite the Muse of imagination and innovation to come out and play to go with the Flow.

tend your spirit and body to end cycles of toxic stress and heal your lineage with your ancestors.

deepen your sensate abilities by developing new senses for patterns coming from the world around you.

Wild Presence is process of re-indigenizing, re/membering, and repairing our relationship with animal and planet as kin, the Earth.

Wild Presence is a process of slowing down and dismantling the characteristics of white supremacy culture that dominate our bodies and destroy our indigenous ways of being in relationship.

Wild Presence is creating the container and capacity for the emergence of Flow and falling back in love with Time, Space, and Place.

It all comes together in the

Wild Presence

"Oh, the times are urgent, let us slow down. Slowing down is losing our way. Losing our way is not a human capacity or human capability. It is the invitations that are now in in the world at large, inviting us to listen deeply, to be keen and to be fresh and to be quick with our heels, to follow the sights and sounds and smells of the world, which is now no longer mute and dumb as modernity would have us believe it is. It's now alive, it's alien and wanting us to do more than just save ourselves. So let us slow down and listen and maybe we might hear something magical."

— Báyò Akómoláfé

A Framework for Embodying Wild Presence

Start Where You Are.

We start with what’s working.

You didn’t arrive at your current success by accident but through your genius.

And… you no longer need to carry your bundles all by yourself.

Reclaim Your Time


Identify the life events that forever changed who you are. (un)learn and redefine leadership out the impoverished models of white supremacy culture. Revive and support indigenous ways of knowing and being in biophilic relationship with Earth and the Ancestors. (un)wind systems of brutal productivity. Surf your biorhythms, connect to your cosmic imprint, your outer Lodestar.

So You Can...

make decisions that are attuned to you and your team’s capacity without White Saviorism running the show.

give back, repair, decolonize through re-learning Earth’s stories encoded in your very bones.

shift your relationship with Time, focusing on your genius to make way for emergent ways of being.

cultivate a patterned, seasonal and lovingly intimate relationship with Time/ Space/ Place/ Cosmos.

Easily Drop in Flow Over and Over


Dismantle the systems and structures that are still holding you back. Let go of what’s not serving you. Learn the tools to center Flow as a daily devotion. (This is where the ✨Time Magic✨ emerges.) Make rituals not habits. Cultivate mettle (grit, capacity) for the challenges ahead. Edgewalking as praxis embeds the Borderland, the in between, the liminal as guide.

So You Can...

befriend the Flow cycle for more wild presence and creativity to exponentially grow your impact.

reconnect to being Indigenous, of the Earth, for the resilience to weather any storm.

get comfortable living at the edges, the liminal spaces, to thrive with a planet in transition.

transform the stuckness of an old rut into the new nervous system pathways (neuroplasticity).

Rest Is Resistance


Learn how to stop. Practice Rest for the Revolution. Protect your sleep and recovery rituals. Establish daily, weekly and seasonal reconnections with Earth, with ch’ulel, (chi) the embodied energy of the Earth and Cosmos. Plan days to go offline. Deepen your pattern recognition. Trauma becomes wisdom through Somatic awareness. Find your rhythm and re/member your Wild Presence..

So You Can...

interrupt the dopamine hijack that has conditioned us to overwork to more easily connect your curiosities.

invite the Muse of imagination to come out and play to go with the Flow.

tend your spirit and body to end cycles of toxic stress and heal your lineage with your ancestors.

deepen your sensate abilities by developing new senses for patterns coming from the world around you.

Wild Presence is process of re-indigenizing, re/membering, and repairing our relationship with animal and planet as kin, the Earth.

Wild Presence is a process of slowing down and dismantling the characteristics of white supremacy culture that dominate our bodies and destroy our indigenous ways of being in relationship.

Wild Presence is creating the container and capacity for the emergence of Flow and falling back in love with Time, Space, and Place.

It all comes together in the

Wild Presence Collective

"Oh, the times are urgent, let us slow down. Slowing down is losing our way. Losing our way is not a human capacity or human capability. It is the invitations that are now in in the world at large, inviting us to listen deeply, to be keen and to be fresh and to be quick with our heels, to follow the sights and sounds and smells of the world, which is now no longer mute and dumb as modernity would have us believe it is. It's now alive, it's alien and wanting us to do more than just save ourselves. So let us slow down and listen and maybe we might hear something magical." — Báyò Akómoláfé

Stellar Strategy Sessions

quick summary of what's included

Choose your own Adventure


During our time together we’ll deep dive into one concern/question.

90-minute 1+1 with Ixchel

to get strategy and coaching

on one topic of your choosing

Recording of the session

Transcript of the session

Rest Revolt Handbook (86 pages)

Edgewalkers Labyrinth Handbook (Lite, 18 pages)

Decolonizing Time Mini-Course (prerequisite)

These 90-minute, 1+1 sessions, are a mix of coaching and strategy for Cultivating Daily Flow Rituals and Reclaiming your Time.

Let's center your lodestar and in so doing, your Flow will follow your focus.

Put Your First Service Title Here.

Service 1


Minimum 20 hours a month

Social Media Management

WordPress Updates

FB Community Management

Graphics for Social Media Posts

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But they really shouldn't wait,

this is an extremely limited offer.

Use this area as a transition

between services.

More obstacles will rise up.

More obstacles will rise up.

Talk about the lack of time, lack of money or

lack of knowledge that trips people up.

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Curious? Follow the journey on these platforms:

Your Sanctuary to Thrive in Rhythm + Flow with a Planet in Transition

Stay wild, love fiercely. Your presence is golden.

Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a vehicle to provide medical advice, diagnosis, opinion, or treatment, nor as a substitute for medical or professional care. Ixchel Lunar and Ixchel Rainbow Living are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, or any other information or services you obtain through this site. Reliance on the information contained on this website is solely at your own risk.

Land Lineage

I was raised and bore children on the traditional, unceded and stolen lands of the Coast and Central Valley Miwok (colonized as Petaluma, CA) and Nisenan (colonized as Sacramento and Fair Oaks, CA), past, present, and future. I also write, work, and live at the base of Huitepec in the highland forest of the traditional, unceded and stolen lands of the Winik Atel (Tzeltal) and Batsil Winik’ Otik (Tzotzil), past present and future, in what is known as San Cristobal Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.