Don't manage Time, befriend Time.

Center Your Passion to

Lead with Embodied,

Decolonial Flow™

Redefine your Relationship with Time to Decolonize your Flow and Transform Your Impact.

For Edgewalkers (people comfortable walking the liminal in between of Nepantla), Culturemakers, Executives, Entrepreneurs, Leaders, Writers, Politicians, Activists, BIPOC, Decolonizers, Anti-Racists, Neuro-emergents, 2Spirits, QueerAF, Trans, Enbies, Revolutionaries, Feminists, and Visionary Dreamers.

You belong if you are part of the movement to create the POST-Hegemonic Culture (liberating from the cis + heteronormative, imperialist, white supremacist, capitalist patriarchy — h/t bell hooks + Laverne Cox).

Don't manage Time, befriend Time.

Center Your Passion to

Lead with Embodied,

Decolonial Flow™

Redefine your Relationship with Time to

Decolonize your Flow and Transform Your Impact.

On the Other Side of Rest is Flow

For Edgewalkers (people comfortable walking liminal in between of Nepantla), Culturemakers, Executives, Entrepreneurs, Leaders, Writers, Politicians, Activists, BIPOC, Decolonizers, Anti-Racists, Neuro-emergents, 2Spirits, QueerAF, Trans, Enbies, Revolutionaries, Feminists, and Dreamers.

You belong if you are part of the movement to create the POST-Hegemonic Culture (liberating from the cis + heteronormative, imperialist, white supremacist, capitalist patriarchy — h/t bell hooks + Laverne Cox).

Time Devotion™ Renewal Kit:

Devote Your Time to What Really Matters

Time Devotion™ is the self-guided, go-to resource that transforms overwhelm into clarity and burnout into inspiration.

Time Devotion is my love letter to those of us who see Time not as a clock to obey, but as a wild entity to co-create with.

For the revolutionary leaders, writers, and creatives ready to break free from dominator culture's time traps and devote their energy to their soul-level passions — we’re not here to fit in; we’re here to create with Time in our own way, with passion and devotion. Let’s disrupt the grind and Flow with intention.

Amplify Your Impact: A Monthly Creativity Subscription

Weaving Earth Wisdom with Revolutionary Creativity.

Ready to reawaken your creativity and Flow?

Daily creativity rituals for revolutionary leaders, creatives, and writers

Deep, radical embodiment practices to connect your wild essence with Earth wisdom so you can amplify your impact.

So you can…

🌸 cultivate your full creative potential for greater impact,

🌸 lead with insights rooted in Earth wisdom, and

🌸 infuse every moment with meaning and deep connection.

Get Dragon 🐉 Letters in your inbox 2-4x month

Flow Is Our Haptic (embodied) Relationship with the Cosmos (Time).


Group of diverse team joining hand in the middle

Anti-Racism in Coaching Statement

May 26, 20214 min read

"Somatic Abolitionism is a living, embodied Anti-Racism practice and culture building that requires endurance, agility, resource cultivation, stamina, and discernment."

Resmaa Menakem

Anti-Racism in Coaching Statement

Ixchel Lunar strives to dismantle white supremacy in all its forms. We are taking concrete steps to end violence against Black, Brown, Indigenous, Minority Ethnic, and Bodies of Culture (h/t Resmaa Menakem) that have experienced erasure at the hands of those with privilege, power, and wealth, including embodying anti-racism in coaching.

In October 2022 Ixchel received the 8 hour credential in Foundations in Somatic Abolitionism for Bodies of Culture from Center for Racial Equity:


Over centuries of colonialism and imperialism in the Americas, racism turned Black, Brown, Indigenous, Minority Ethnic, and Bodies of Culture into a cheap labor force for white bodies. As a result of this subjugation, theft of land, and the genocide of Indigenous peoples, and the ruin of land they were connected to, many people of culture end up in prisons today. This must stop.

We have witnessed a rise of white supremacist violence over the last decade that has left many Black, Brown, Indigenous, Minority Ethnic, and Bodies of Culture in its wake. From the rise of Donald Trump to the multiple mass shootings at schools across America, to the climate crisis making land untenable, we live in difficult times. But, unfortunately, we are all complicit in this oppressive system because systemic racism operates on an individual level and at our institutions, schools, businesses, and governments.

As a justice-centered business, we can’t be silent about racism, issues of land tenure, or any other kind of oppression. Ixchel Lunar and Ixchel Rainbow Living are committed to dismantling racism in working with individuals or organizations. We will strive for liberation so that everyone can thrive together without fear or oppression.

Group of diverse team joining hand in the middle

What we are doing to dismantle racism:

  • First, we are dismantling racism in the workplace.

  • We are rooting out implicit bias and discrimination in our language.

  • We are fighting for liberation and Indigenous land tenure locally.

  • We are including anti-racist resources and education in our programs.

  • We are supporting Black, Brown, Indigenous, Minority Ethnic, and Bodies of Culture through being intentional about whom we hire and partner with on projects.

  • We are providing anti-racist and liberation training for all employees.

  • We are continuing to have difficult conversations around power dynamics and white supremacy with friends and family.

  • We are listening and understanding how anti-racism impacts everyone.

  • We are supporting clients to teach their children about race, racial justice, Indigenous land tenure, and privilege.

  • We are continuing to fund programs that support ending racism through legal and educational resources. For example, Ixchel has annually funded Southern Poverty Law Center since it created the Learning for Justice project (formerly Teaching Tolerance) in the early 1990s.

Coaching for Anti-Racism and Land Tenure

Ixchel Lunar is committed to acknowledging, dismantling, and ending all forms of racism and ethnic oppression. We prioritize coaching ways of being that challenge oppression and injustice. We aim to reduce inequity and bias both inside and outside of the coaching profession. Ixchel Lunar works to compost racial and ethnic injustice and support our clients in this collective goal.

We know that we are all at various stages in the anti-racist path regardless of one’s race or ethnicity. We also acknowledge that racial bias can be unintentional or unconscious. Racism is the result of a culmination of systemic social power, as well as institutional power. Identifying these two forms of oppression does not imply that the people involved meant them to happen. But we can and must end the unintended and unconscious consequences of harm done to Black, Brown, Indigenous, Minority Ethnic, and Bodies of Culture. We will meet you where you are on this journey We are all swimming in the waters of racism and injustice.

Ultimately, having these conversations requires courage, respect, compassion, and a willingness to be curiously uncomfortable. As a community doing the collective work to become anti-racist and ethnically unbiased, we purposefully strive to identify, discuss, and challenge biases of race, color, ethnicity in our coaching and the impact(s) they have on clients and their families.

Resources for Anti-racism

Free Cultural Somatics Training

A Google Doc of many resources compiled by Sarah Sophie Flicker, Alyssa Klein: 

(divorcing) White Supremacy Culture Formerly the PDF on the 12 Characteristics of White Supremacy Culture, now an entire book within a website.

This is a Living Document, last updated 4/5/24.

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Join the Ultimate 5-Day Quest to Transform Your Relationship with Time in 2023!

Befriending Time Quest:

A 5-Day Journey to Transform

Your Relationship with Time

Shift Your Time Perception, Nurturing Co-regulation, and Cultivating a Deeper Presence.

  • Understand the colonial impact on time perception.

  • Embrace indigenous wisdom for a life of interconnection.

  • Practical strategies to align with natural rhythms.

Live Monday, Nov 6th - Friday, Nov 10th, 1pm EST

Embody Time and Flow:

Befriending Time: Reclaiming Our Rhythms to Unshackle Flow

Embark on a transformative journey with Ixchel Lunar to reclaim your natural rhythms and liberate Flow, guided by indigenous perspectives on time.

A transformative 10-day course designed for Edgewalkers, Culturemakers, Leaders, and Dreamers who are ready to shift the paradigm of Time and Flow.

Embark on a transformative journey with Ixchel Lunar to reclaim your natural rhythms and liberate Flow, guided by indigenous perspectives on time.

A transformative 10-day course designed for Edgewalkers, Culturemakers, Leaders, and Dreamers who are ready to shift the paradigm of Time and Flow.

A celebrated and innovative synthesis

of Astrology and Human Design with Decolonial, Ethical and Feminist Marketing

✨3-Session Package✨

Includes a 2-hr Reading,

2 weeks of VIP Voxer (or Telegram) with Ixchel

and 2 Clarifying Follow Up Sessions

to map out your IMPRESSIONABLE

Stellar Message, Brand and Inspo board

Align your Stellar Message™ and

the Soul of Your Brand™

with your unique stellar imprint

through Ixchel's ethical marketing mentorship

Stellar Impression™ Session:

a celebrated and innovative synthesis

of Astrology and Human Design with

Decolonial, Ethical and Feminist Marketing

Includes a 2-hr Reading,

4 weeks of Flexible Voice Coaching via Voxer (or Telegram) with Ixchel

to map out your IMPRESSIONABLE

Stellar Message that calls in your Soul clients, A Brand Board and Inspo Mood Board

A celebrated and innovative synthesis

of Astrology and Human Design with Decolonial, Ethical and Feminist Marketing

✨3-Session Package✨

Includes a 2-hr Reading,

2 weeks of VIP Voxer (or Telegram) with Ixchel

and 2 Clarifying Follow Up Sessions

to map out your IMPRESSIONABLE

Stellar Message, Brand and Inspo board

Cultivate Your Embodied Wild Presence

We need you to embody and grow your regenerative body of work in the world… without burning out or exploiting yourself or your teams.

But how do we make miracles and get epic shit done without reproducing systems of brutal productivity on ourselves or our people?

Root into the daily rituals Revolutionary Leaders cultivate to exponentially grow their impact without exhausting their relationships or themselves.

Decolonial work is relational, soul-mending work.

Busy is a state of

disconnection, depletion, disrepair.

Let's drop that shit.


(They, We, Ella)

✨ Decolonial Cosmologist ✨

I know the consequences of when we go-go-go...

I know all too well what it means to girlboss too close to the sun and crash because of it.

...and I know what’s possible when we give ourselves Time and Space for Rest

Hola! I'm Ixchel (sounds like ee-shell)

Glad you're here. Here's a bit about my journey. As a Neuro-Emergent Mestize, Writer, Flow Coach, and Spiritual Guide, I bring a diverse skillset to support you in creating decolonial practices in your leadership work.

With 25+ years as a webdeva, a former coach for Megan Hale, a Certified Feminist Copywriter from Kelly Diels, Certified Master Marketer, from Funnel Gorgeous & Certified High-Flow Coach from the Flow Research Collective, I bring an integrated, holistic approach to your strategy, leadership, & marketing.

Flow rituals to thrive with a planet in transition.

In addition to the supportive skillset & certifications above, I also bring 40+ years of planetary wisdom in relationship with Western Astrology, Mayan Cosmovision, plus Human Design insights to help you tune into your natural cycles & rhythms to cultivate more flow & ease as you grow your movement and culture.

• I was the first Mestize Vice-Mayor of my city, I learned to become comfortable being a first and only in the room, taking the opportunity to hold the door for more BIPOC leaders to enter.

• With decades of tech experience as a web deva and political activist and organizer, I co-founded the Tech and Telecomm Committee for my city.

• Between 2009-2013 I was appointed to serve on two San Francisco Bay Area government boards where I enacted progressive social and environmental policy for approximately 11 million people, including shifting stigma to sway my colleagues on the Board of Directors to fund the suicide net for the Golden Gate Bridge.

• In 2011-12, I even ran for congress.

Ixchel is a business and leadership strategist who bridges the edgy world of politics and business with the spirit realm: where we come from, and where we need to tap into in order to be the REVOLUTIONARY LEADERS we can be.

If you’re ready to take a step back and look at what your EMBODIED FLOW is (and what distracts you, and what you need to let go of, and what you need to claim)…

and leave behind unsustainable patterns, and other stuff you subconsciously do to sabotage yourself and lessen the impact you make…

as well as healing the trauma and fatigue that comes from being a leader and trailblazer in a world that moves quickly (too quickly some times)…

Ixchel will offer you the sacred space, wisdom and tangible rituals to guide you to flow states – so you can go out into the world, making your biggest impact no longer tapped out and scattered, but filled with renewed energy, deep focus and JOY.”


Let's ensure we bring your new,

emergent, magical and just

ways of being into the world

without burnout or losing momentum.

Collective Medicine for Time Scarcity

Wild Presence is process of re-indigenizing, re/membering, and repairing our relationship with animal and planet as kin, the Earth.

It's a process of slowing down and dismantling the characteristics of white supremacy culture that dominate our bodies and destroy our indigenous ways of being in relationship. Relationship with the land, your body, people, Time and the Cosmos

Wild Presence is process of re-indigenizing, re/membering, and repairing our relationship with animal and planet as kin, the Earth.

It's a process of slowing down and dismantling the characteristics of white supremacy culture that dominate our bodies and destroy our indigenous ways of being in relationship.

Relationship with the land, your body, people and the Cosmos

So we can listen with senses renewed

So we can make sense of the patterns that have held us back

So we can tend to ourselves and our people

So we can listen with senses renewed

So we can make sense of the patterns that have held us back

So we can tend to ourselves and our people

Support the Wild Presence Move

I'm moving to Oaxaca on May 21st. My dogs must go by land because plane travel can be fatal. But it costs $5000 to move them by van over 4 countries. Please help our fur babies get to Oaxaca safely. Thank you!

Curious? Follow the journey on these platforms: